1. 將羅技的Unyfying控制器模組拆下,並確認過線路(Row和Column)的走向,重新接到現有的鍵盤上,需要花些時間和技巧,不過這個方案應該是相對完美的解法。
2. 買市面上現有的藍芽鍵盤轉接器接上就好囉~
3. 自己找MCU、藍芽HID、電池組,再自行Coding,網路上也有人這麼實作的範例。
我採用的是方案2,這裡再仔細說明下有幾個可行的細項方案,其中一個就是上淘寶去買一整個完整的套件,裡面包含藍芽HID和電池組,通常就是鍵盤的USB線插上去後就可以直接使用。而我這邊實作的是用ATEN CS533+行動電源的方式處理。主要是不再出差後有些東西要從淘寶上買也是滿麻煩的...
This time I'm going to present how to make a keyboard wireless. Let's check what we do on making keyboard wireless, and you can see the pros and cons on my project.
1. Pick a Logitech Unifying controller, check the Row and Column. Then rewire it on your existing keyboard. It takes more time and technique, but it may be a better way.
2. Use existing Bluetooth module.
3. Find a MCU, Bluetooth HID and coding for them. You will need a battery set also. There's some projects use the same way.
I choose plan 2. More specifically, I use ATEN CS533 and a power bank in my project. You can find some kind of DIY kit on Taobao which has the same function, you can use it directly without any modification. But it's hard to get this stuff since I'm no longer take any business trip in China.
這把就是這次的主體Corsair K70紅軸紅光版本,這是幾年前歷經第二次鍵盤被"液體"毀掉後,臨時買下來的鍵盤。
所謂的液體呢... 是毀掉羅技K750的奶茶和MSI筆電鍵盤的酒精。
運氣很好的一點是,這把鍵盤能夠調整傳輸速率到BIOS模式,也就是會把NKRO降成6KRO,以配合某些較舊的PC或機器來使用。這項功能在這個改裝的方案裡面非常重要!! 等下面介紹CS533時會說明這點。
Here's the keyboard, Corsair K70 Red light with MX Red. After I damaged my Logitech K750 with milk tea, MSI laptop keyboard with alcohol, then it came to me.
One thing fortunately, this keyboard is speed changeable. Which makes NKRO down to 6KRO, to adapt some old motherboards or PCs. It's pretty important in this project. |
這是某次出差在機場買的無線充電行動電源,不過只有支援最基本的Qi。他有一個Qi輸出、一個1A OUT和一個2A OUT,輸入則是2A的Micro USB一個和Type C一個。算是很豐富的輸出入介面。
This is an Qi output supported power bank, but the power efficiency is low.
Which includes 1A and 2A USB output. 2A Micro USB and 2A Type C input. |
Another core component is CS533, it's a Bluetooth KVM actually. It reads signal from keyboard, then transmit it's own signal to your host. It means there's compatible issue if CS533 firmware cannot read the signal from your keyboard.
One of the issue is, it cannot read from an KNRO keyboard. Do not use this KVM unless your keyboard is 6KRO or speed changeable. |
Mod Process:
Tear down everything!
Remove all of the keycpas, it's been more than one year since the last time I clean this keyboard.
All of the screws are on the top. Two of them are hidden, one is under the mark of Corsair, another is on the right side of the volume roller. This cap is easy to be damaged, take care on it.
This K70 is old version, but I think the position of hidden screws has no change . |
This is the keyboard cable, It will be soldered on the CS533 input port. |
圖片右上方這條對應的是HUB USB,雖然接上CS533後多媒體控制和HUB都會失效,但為了保有背光控制,上半部的模組都還是保留著。如果都不需要這些功能,其實就可以移除。
This cable goes to USB HUB. Although the hub and multi-media control are malfunction when connecting to CS533, I still keep it for the backlight control. You can remove the hole module if you don't need any of these functions. |
這組行動電源真的非常難拆,最後是直接剪開外殼硬拆。之後會將無線充電的線圈解焊掉,然後拉出1A OUT來為CS533和鍵盤供電,並在中間接上一個開關。
This power bank is really hard to teardown, I cut the plastic part in the end. Later, I will remove the Qi transmitter, wire the 1A output to supply CS533 and keyboard. And add one switch between power bank and CS533. |
A 8000mAh battery inside. |
CS533 is easiest to teardown, 8 screws on it. Connect one of the ports to keyboard. White cable goes to power bank. |
Be aware of the USB pinout. |
接完長這樣,中間的TYPE C轉板本來是保留KVM通PC的功能,不確定是哪邊弄錯了,D+、D-沒問題,卻只剩下供電功能,PC已經沒辦法透過USB線偵測到CS533。
Wire everything up. I was trying to keep the function of KVM to PC with a Type C adapter board, but it's only doing the power supply. PC can no longer detect CS533 by USB cable. I'm not sure which part is wrong. |
Due to the K70 firmware, the ScrollLock LED will keep blinking under BIOS mode. So I remove the LED . |
Power off or supply from Type C by the switch. |
CS533 can save two Bluetooth hosts. |
除了多媒體鍵、WIN KEY鎖定鍵失效,Esc、F3~F5也是失效的,必須要搭上其他按鍵一起按下才有效果,但也有可能造成其他功能,變成會改變打字的習慣。
I use the keyboard with a cheap CSR Bluetooth dongle while working and coding. I don't think it's a good wireless mechanical keyboard. The main problem is CS533, which is just a KVM.
The multi-media keys, win key lock will be malfunction, these are acceptable. However, the ESC, F3~F5 keys are not working neither. I have to stroke like combination key so it can work. Such as Esc+tab, it needs practice.
Also, the KVM cannot tell the difference between left ctrl or right ctrl. If you're using VirtualBox, make sure you already change the HOST key. Otherwise you cannot leave the virtual machine.
Pros? It's wireless, cleaner on my desk.