2017年12月22日 星期五

MG OO XN Raiser Custom-Painted

  MG OO XN Raiser是在日本PB限定販售的機種,但在日本海外改成一般販售。基本上就是用原本的OO Raiser加上XN戰機的組合,貼紙部分追加XN Raiser使用的水貼,也有附上一顆LED,整體來說是款很超值的組合,只要再加上OO七劍,基本上就全備了。
  MG OO XN Raiser is limited on P-Bandai, but it can be found in general shop expcept Japan. Which including MG OO Raiser and new kit, XN unit. Also you can find a water decal for XN unit and one LED. You can purchase MG OO seven sword to make it into a full set Gundam OO.

  This time I only paint the blue parts into purple, and keep the other parts with original color.

The effect parts of beam swords and GN sword III are not included in this picture.

O raiser 和XN組件合體後的XN raiser
XN raiser, which is combined by O raiser and XN unit.

本體加上O raiser
Gundam OO with O raiser.

Gundam OO with XN unit.

Gundam OO XN Raiser

The weight of back pack is too heavy, the action base cannot hold it. Also hard to make some postures.

