2019年8月11日 星期日

DIY MOD - Corsair K70 Keyboard Bluetooth MOD Part2 with Unifying 機械鍵盤無線化


  Last time I took a bluetooth on the wireless mechanical keyboard project, but it came out some issues when I was working. My environment is a desktop PC with Windows 7 + USB bluetooth dongle. The main issues are delay when typing and auto disconnection occasionally. So I decide to redo this project again with an Unifying controller.
This time I will use K375S, which can remember 3 devices and significant life time.

K375S並沒有做出截圖區的三塊肌,不過實際上MCU的矩陣有提供Scroll Lock和Pause的功能,Print Screen則可以透過FN組合鍵來實現。
K375S has no Scroll Lock, Pause and Print Screen. Acturally the matrix provide Scroll Lock and Pause. The Print Screen can be done by FN combination.

至於要怎麼知到矩陣要怎麼走,其中一個方法就是從這片薄膜上一條一條找... 當然網路上還是有辦法找到矩陣圖的 XD
You can find the matrix by the film. And of course you could find the matrix on the net, lol.

First step, dis-solder all of the switches.

Then there're two ways for the new circuit. One is cut all of the circuit on the PCB, then wire the new circuit. Two is solder the new circuit on the switches contacts without PCB.
Unfortunately, I found that I missed a lots of circuit were not cut off after rewiring with the first way.

Then I dis-solder all of the switches again.

And wiring directly on the switches contacts.

Connect the wires to K375S controller board through a transfer board and FFC. And also put LEDs on F1 to F3 key as devices switch indicators.

Finally, it works.
  It feels softer and less noise without PCB. So far, everything's good. Just make sure the wires and solders are good. Except the ugly looking, the functions are awesome, or should say meets my requirements. Stable, multi-devices and switches with 3-devices .

