2020年12月23日 星期三

SteelSeires Aerox 3 Wireless unbonxing (with G903 Hero and MX Master 2S)

   This time I'm going to share about my experience of the mouses I'm using.

  The main topic will be talking about Aerox 3 Wireless which I purchased during Black Friday, and compare with Logitech G903 Hero and MX Master 2s.

  They will be shorted in Aerox 3, G903 and Master 2s.

  The weight and holding style are not perfect for me. Especially Master 2s, though it's ergonomic, but it still to heavy that I cannot find a comfortable way to hold it. When the using time goes longer, my little finger and palm will be uncomfortable.

  Both G903 and Aerox 3 are symmetric mouses, G903 is bigger, wider and higher in the end of it.

  Aerox 3 is the lightest mouse I have owned.

From left to right, MX Master 2s, Aerox 3 Wireless, G903 Hero

  Left and right keys work great for me on these mouses, the click sound of Logitech switches sounds louder, probably it has higher pitch.

  The middle keys of Logi's mouses are harder to click.

  The side keys of  three mouses are set previous/next page at default. Aerox 3 has longer travel distance, and it's harder to press.

  Master 2s has gesture button which locate at thumb area. You can move with 4 directions of mouse while pressing gesture button. It can trigger windows switch, minimize... etc. But it's not that handy actually, especially moving mouse up or down.

  G903 allow user to change the side buttons from left to right. So that left-handed users can use it effortless.

  Master 2s has great performance of scroll wheel, it has freewheel motion by manual or acceleration. The trigger acceleration can be tuned in Logitech Options. It's really easy to scroll.

  Wheel of Aerox 3 is the hardest one to use, but it's the quietest one. G903 is in the opposite side of the wheel noise level, really really loud acoustic.

  The connection of Master 2s is the handiest, it's Logitech Unifying. Unifying support 3 devices switch and FLOW, which allowing user to switch and transfer files between different Unifying receiver equipped PC/Laptop/Mac. And all channel support Unifying 2.4GHz or Bluetooth.

  The cons of this function is that Logi place the switch button in the bottom of the mouse. It's in convenient if you need to switch devices frequently. And the micro USB only support charge function.

LED of numbers will light up when switching to the channel.

G903 support LightSpeed 2.4GHz and wired mode with micro USB.

The button down to the power switch is using for config file change.

  Aerox 3 has Quantum Wireless 2.0 and Bluetooth 5.0 supported. The wired mode needs a USB-C cable.

  G903 and Aerox 3 has a pro in common. You can connect the wireless receiver, extender and wire cable, it's only taking one USB-A to achieve wireless or charging. When you need wireless, connect them all together. When you need to charge the mouse, just remove the receiver and extender. You don't need to find another USB-A port for charging.

  The receiver of Aerox 3 is USB-C, it's probably good for those MacBook users. But for PC or Laptop users, you must waste the only USB-C for this receiver, or you must connect all of the extender and cable together.

USB-C receiver

The extender has bot sides USB-C female connector.

Combine them all together.

  Here I am going to talk about the hibernation scenario. Master 2s has perfect performance, you don't feel when it goes to hibernation. And you don't feel it when you wake it up, just move the mouse.

  But G903 has an issue, it always using the lowest DPI in your config file when you wake it up. Then you got to wait until the mouse is reconnected to Logitech G Hub, and it will give you your default DPI working.

  Aerox 3 will trigger your default DPI(SS call it CPI), but it still perform the worst in these 3 mouses.

  RGB is set to working at default. Stop using mouse around 1 min, it will lower RGB brightness. After 4 mins (total 5 min after stopping), RGB will be off, which means the mouse is going to hibernate state. If you try to move Aerox 3, it's still sleeping. You have to click any switches to wake it up.

  So what's the problem? How do you know the mouse is in hibernation? The RGB. If you deactivate RGB at all time, how do you know the mouse is in hibernation. You won't know until your mouse is not working while you're moving it.

  For Aerox 3, I suggest not to use High Efficiency mode if you want to to close RGB only. This mode force the polling rate to 125Hz also. And the RGB is not really close at all. After stop using mouse around 30 seconds, there's yellow light flashing for 4 times. It's really annoying because I can't figure out what it want to indicate me.

This is the FW version when I'm testing.

  I think it can't go wrong with any of these mouses, they can conquer most of the scenario only if you're not picky nor professional player. Just make sure what you want to own. G903 is balance.  Mater 2s has great wheel while documenting or web surfing. Aerox 3 is lightest, IP54 proof and USB-C connection.

2020年12月22日 星期二

SteelSeries與Logitech滑鼠使用體驗 (MX Master 2s, G903 Hero, Aerox 3 Wireless)


  目前我大概經歷過6隻滑鼠,這篇主要是Aerox 3 Wireless的開箱文,順便寫寫現役的G903 Hero和MX Master 2s的使用感受。

  以下都簡稱Aerox 3、G903以及Master 2s。

  滑鼠的抓握感和重量上,這幾隻都是可以用但並不完美適合我的手型,其中最嚴重的是Master 2s。理論上他的滑鼠型是依人體工學調整過的,手順著放上去的話其實是貼手的。

  問題出在我會習慣性用小指和無名指去夾住滑鼠,Master 2s又是很重的滑鼠,導致我小指的部分常常會夾滑鼠夾得不太舒服,加上握著Master 2s我會自然的用兩指去控左右鍵和滾輪,無名指有時候會壓住小指,手型變得更不自然。

  G903和Aerox 3都是對稱型滑鼠,G903稍大一些,左右較寬,屁股也比較飽滿,以我的手兩隻握起來手感都比Master 2s好。

  Aerox 3真的是拿過無線鼠裡面最輕的一款,負擔非常小。

左至右分別是MX Master 2s, Aerox 3 Wireless, G903 Hero

  左右鍵的部分我個人使用上都覺得沒甚麼問題,回彈感和硬度都可以接受,倒是羅技用的微動都滿大聲的(或許是音高高了Aerox 3一到兩個音符?)。


  接著是側鍵,三隻滑鼠都配有兩個大拇指可按的側鍵,預設都是上、下頁的功能,Aerox 3是相對不好按,明顯鍵程比較深,也要稍加力道才會按下去。但也有可能是避免Gaming玩家誤觸側鍵的設計,雖然以前拿Master 2s打遊戲也沒發生過誤觸的狀況就是了。

  特別提出來的是,Master 2s在大拇指區有個手勢按鈕,當這個按鍵按下的時候搭配滑鼠上下左右移動,可以觸發自定義的功能,例如切換視窗、縮小視窗這類功能;但是動作上其實滿卡的,並不容易操作。


  滾輪部分Master 2s基本上是大勝,飛梭滾輪有手動控制和加速度控制,加速度的力道能在軟體中控制,依照自己習慣的觸發力道調整;滾輪很好滾,不需要太過用力,非常輕鬆。

  Aerox 3也是好滾動,但要用的力道最大,是三隻滑鼠裡滾輪最安靜的。G903則是滾輪最吵的。

  連線的部分,這三隻滑鼠各有特色。Master 2s主打羅技的Unifying,支援三裝置切換和FLOW的功能,只要手上有多的Unifying接收器,通通都可以拿來配對,也不限定哪個通道才能接藍芽或是Unifying。

  不過還是要提一個很難理解的設計,羅技支援Unifying裝置的滑鼠,裝置切換鍵都是放在滑鼠底部,使用者得把滑鼠翻過來按一顆小小的按鍵,便利性打了些折扣。至於滑鼠前方的Micro USB好像就只有充電功能,沒辦法替代成有線滑鼠。




  Aerox 3的無線部分為一個Quantum Wireless 2.0的2.4G,以及另一個通道是藍芽,滑鼠前端使用Type C接頭,也可以用內附的Type C線來當做有線滑鼠使用。

  G903和Aerox 3有個共通的優勢: 盒裝內附的線材和轉接器組合起來,可以讓使用者在只佔用一個USB Type A的情況下,同時滿足無線和充電需求。

  G903的LightSpeed接收器是USB Type A公,加上一個Type A母轉Micro USB母的轉接器,線材則是Micro USB公轉Type A,這樣就可以在需要充電時拔掉轉接器,以有線滑鼠方式使用並進行充電。

  Aerox 3則是Type C接收器,搭配兩端都是Type C母的轉接器,線材則是Type C公對Type A。這個好處是轉接器也能拿來直接用在手機上面,但我認為可能是SteelSeries主打歐美市場,需要打入MacBook客戶當中;不過對其他桌機或筆電用戶來說,如果不想要牽長線轉接,或是本來就有其他充電線可以共用,就得要浪費一個珍貴(但目前很可能根本沒機會用)的Type C孔。

Aerox 3使用Type C接頭接收器

兩端都是Type C母座的轉接頭

如果要用在一般Type A的主機板或筆電上,一定要串成這麼長一串


  Master 2s的使用者不會意識到滑鼠是甚麼時候進到休眠狀態(除非拿起滑鼠盯著底部的LED燈觀察),但只要移動滑鼠就會立刻從休眠中回來並做出反應,基本上是完美無縫銜接,是這三隻滑鼠裡休眠喚醒表現最完美的一隻。

  G903就很妙,假設從軟體(Logitech G HUB)上定義了五組DPI,而我的預設指定值是最高DPI,每次從休眠中喚醒時,滑鼠仍然會從最低DPI執行(Reddit有人表示是固定以800dpi執行),直到G HUB(不是系統驅動)重新和滑鼠連接後,才會從設定檔指定預設的DPI執行。甚至如果將這個設定檔寫進內建記憶體,反而會卡在最低DPI,然後要自己按按鍵切到其他DPI。

  Aerox 3雖然會從預設DPI組中,以指定的DPI喚醒,這點比G903好,但在這個項目的體驗依然是三者裡表現讓我最不能理解的;如果是一開始就使用SteelSeries產品的使用者應該是很習慣這個點,甚至不會覺得奇怪。

  我用過的無線滑鼠,都是只要移動滑鼠就可以被喚醒,偏偏Aerox 3,移動滑鼠是不會醒的,一定要按滑鼠按鍵才會醒過來。

  這會有甚麼影響呢? 使用者要自己"知道"滑鼠已經進到休眠,使用者要怎麼知道已經進休眠了呢? 要依靠RGB。

  Aerox 3從使用進入休眠、再到喚醒流程是這樣子,出廠預設RGB是開著的,停止使用滑鼠約一分鐘後會以較低亮度的省電模式顯示RGB,停止後五分鐘就會進入休眠(這個時間長度可以透過軟體SteelSeries Engine 3調整長短),休眠期間則是關閉RGB,休眠後按任意按鍵,RGB大概閃個一到三次白燈才會重新完成連接。

  滑鼠基本上我都是握在手上,幾乎是不會去看滑鼠的RGB,所以我的習慣是關閉RGB,Engine的RGB有runtime顯示功能,選完顯示效果後必須要按SAVE才能套用。Engine 3的邏輯是要先點選要變更顯示效果的區塊,再點想要顯示的效果;如果直接點變更顯示效果的話不是全區域套用,而是會沒有任何作用。


  這邊建議,如果只是單純不需要RGB效果,就用上面的方式去關閉,Smart Illumination Mode也一併關閉,請不要使用Hight Efficiency的方式關閉RGB。High Efficiency雖然會關閉RGB效果,但是Polling Rate也會被強制所在125Hz,而且在滑鼠靜止大概30秒左右時,依然會閃四下黃燈,不是很懂是要提醒使用者滑鼠進到甚麼狀態,反而因為太容易觸發閃動有點惱人。

  最後,在完全關閉RGB的情況下,要如何知道滑鼠已經進休眠,然後使用者要按按鍵來喚醒呢?  答案是,請自己計時或是滑了滑鼠沒反應就知道了;另一個選擇是乾脆關掉休眠模式。

  Logitech Options和Engine 3都沒有提供當前設定的電池預測使用時間,僅有顯示剩餘電量。G HUB是有這個功能的,它會顯示一個參考時數,例如剩餘180小時和電池輸出多少mA的電流。



  G903算是最中規中矩,絕對不會錯的一個選擇;Master 2s如果手型有對到,也沒甚麼問題,尤其飛梭滾輪真的是很棒的賣點。

  Aerox 3的休眠喚醒很不直覺,但做為一隻滑鼠本身,硬體上依然是非常優秀的,極輕的重量(66g)、TypeC接頭,具備IP54防護的微動,而且能夠隱隱約約看到內構和電路也是某種程度的性感... 至於使用時長需要等我試用幾天看看。可以接受上述缺點的話,我是非常推薦嘗試看看Aerox 3 Wireless。