2016年11月20日 星期日

Gundam Destiny MB Ver. 命運鋼彈

  Seed是帶領我真正進入鋼彈世界的作品,國中時候覺得原來有動畫可以把社會議題帶入,劇情和情緒寫實,當然日後的觀點就有所改變。Seed Destiny開播追了兩、三集之後覺得根本來騙錢,立馬棄番也沒回頭補上,但還是被裡面一個個中二的機設吸引。B社出的MB Gundam Destiny外型絕對是突出於動畫、MG以及其他各個模型、遊戲版本,但我對完成品不是很有興趣;原先入手一款MB造型的GK改套,沒多久後就有大陸廠商出了塑膠射出的版本,就懶得繼續處理GK了="=
  最後再用Gaia 008 Flat Clear做光澤調整,雖然是寫Flat Clear,但其實是半光澤,拿來做金屬色的最後處理會有不錯的質感。

  SEED is the animation which leads me into the world of Gundam. When I was a child, I thought it was cool animation that contains society issue. I watched one or two episodes when SEED Destiny broadcast on TV, then I never watch it anymore. The machenics design still full with attraction. Especial Metal Build Gundam Destiny from Bandai, it's coolest one. But I'm not fond of finished kits. After Bandai there are two other vendor has same product and I have both of them. One is a GK, another is a plastic injection kits. The plastic kit is what I'm going to share this time.
  My suggestion is adjusting tightness of every joints, also the weapon to prevent paint film being damaged. The biggest problem of this kit is that the head and antenna are not fit, they are crooked off. So try to use instant glue to fix it or make some modify.
  Recently I am trying to use metallic purple and metallic red as main color. Basically it's black primer->Gaia EX-07-> clear color. Modo MX-03 and Gaia EX-07 on frame and weapon. And using Gaia 008 as finishing coat. Although it's named flat clear, actually it's more likely to semi-gloss. I think it looks good with metallic painting.

It's Black primer->MX-03->E7 67(Clear pink)
Another one used on wing is Black primer->Gaia EX-07->E7 69(Clear cherry red)

Black primer->modo PM02(midnight black)->E7 69(Clear cherry red)

Black primer->modo PM02(midnight black)


