UGEARS has a series of wooden models. Self-propelled, mechanical and no glue needed are the main features of the series. Some are just toys but some model has useful function. It's not that easy as a Gunpla or other plastic models. You still need some tools like lubricant and a needle-nose pliers. Because the tolerance of the components maybe tight that need the tool for help.
很妙的是上面還有寫比例尺 It is also a scale model, not full size. |
外包裝打開後裡面有三片框架,大概就盒子一半高度,底下是中空的喔 This model only has three frame. |
框架正面 The front side of the frame. |
框架背面,可以看到數字是反過來的 The rear side of the frame, you can see the numbers are reversed. |
牙籤是齒輪的轉軸,大概只會用到一半,不用擔心用斷了沒有合適的備品 The toothpick is the shaft of the gear. These include the spare parts. |
說明書是多語言的,但沒有中文在裡面... The tutorial is multi-language, but there's no Chinese inside. |
不過基本上圖解就足夠理解了,特別注意的是右下角的這個工具,可以從框架上找到,它包含了量測及推進牙籤的功能 The tool in the bottom right of this page, you can find it in one of the frame. It use for measurement and pushing the toothpick. |
每頁開始都會告訴你要使用哪片框架和那些零件 It tells you which frame and components are going to be assembled on every pages. |
還有注意要塗上潤滑劑的位置 And be aware of the gear position that need put some lubricant on. |
他不像塑膠模型框架有流道,所以只能用推的,有時候零件剛好會裂開 It's not like plastic model has runner, so the only way is to push the component from the frame. Sometimes it may crack. |
這是類似注料口的地方,建議齒輪處還是用筆刀修整 It's something like a gate, and better repair it. |
牙籤裝進齒輪前建議都先推進這兩個圓形的小零件,讓牙籤前端稍微變形會比較好推進齒輪組裡面 Before pushing the toothpick into the gears, better use these two small and round components for shaping. It will easier for pushing it. |
我是直接用尖嘴鉗壓 I use needle-nose pliers for shaping. |
壓下左邊按鈕,就可以打開蓋子,放開後會自動復位 Press the left buttom, and the cover will be opened. Release it and the cover will turn back automaticlly. |
It's how it looks like.